Saturday, 12 July 2014

Apple boosts sexual pleasure in women

A new study reportedly has linked daily apple use with an enhanced sexual function in healthy women. Apples contain polyphenols and antioxidants that can stimulate blood flow to the genitals leading to better arousal. Researchers have performed the experiments on various women. They found that women who had one-two apples had beter lubricaton and sexual function.  The study says, apple contain phloridzin, that is structurally similar to estradiol, a female sex hormones linked with arousing sexuality

Source- hyderabad times.

Can smelling herbs help you sleep better?

Herbs are known to have sevral benefits. One of them, lavender, is said to aid sleep. Put a few drops on the pillow eac night will help one to reduce anxiety, stress and mood swings and calms the nerves. There are some other herbs which are beneficial as well, namely,
1. Cilantro helps to improve bone strength
2. Basil have anti bacterial properties. It is also anti inflammatory and cures mouth ulcers. Basil leaves are boiled in water which helps to cure sore throat.
3. Parsley is a power house of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins which helps to regulate blood cholesterol levels and prevents constipation.
4. Apart from imparting flavour to food, lemon grass also have antifungal properties and its stems are said to have folic acid content.

Sources- hyderabad times.